A scheduled Zoom session took place on December 30th 2021. Synopsis here: Fire Bridge Session A New Beta version (with Metrics) FireBridge Calculation spreadsheet is available for evaluation (15-days) available here: https:/www.wildfireengineer.com/FireBridge/FireBridgeCalc_4B2.zip This works on 32 & 64 Bit windows PC’s & Laptops (even nextbook win8 tablets) and should run on older winXP machines …
Category:Engineers log
The page for Registered member to post their experience, discussions, teachings, learning, etc.
Jersey Time!! Dec 30th 2021
Okay this coming next week on the 30th we’ll be having our telephone discussion with Jersey, Doc and we’ll have a 4th person joining us on that evening at 10pm Eastern Time. The discussion as of now is on the Fire Bridge math, the new books and after that the sky is the limit on …
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Hydraulics Book is Here
Just arrived, the 140 page book, wire bound, contains 99 pages of Lessons in hydraulics and then another 36 pages of formulas to give anyone the ability to quickly figure out and calculate what they’re resource needs will be for the particular task they’re about to engage in. Regardless if you’re trying to supply Engines, …
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Sponsor / Donation
Christopher Franek, made a $750.00 personal donation to Wildland Apparatus Engineer, SP yesterday. While this was a personal donation/sponsorship, Chris works for the New Jersey Department of Forestry as an Assistant Forest Fire Warden out of Frankford Township and believes that what we at WAE are trying to do with the type of material & …
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Caldor Fire Pic
A shot of a Tanker dropping LC95 on the Caldor Fire as viewed from the Leek springs Camera
Fire Bridge
On the Bottom of this POST is WAE’s PDF on Fire Nomogram Use with the Wildland Apparatus Engineers Q-Ref. The FireBridge concept is what I first began working on several years ago to bolster not only my own understanding of resource efficiency, yet also how to translate this understanding to others. This FireBridge concept is …
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PMS-419 Engine Operator -ENOP
Update 2023-1- If it is impossible for one to FAIL A COURSE, you cannot consider yourself QUALIFIED! The statement above applies to every type of class we may go through in life. It is mentioned here to promote thought. Wildland Apparatus Engineer, SP. has developed a program to teach well BEYOND the …
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WAE is now on MeWe
You can visit WAE on MeWe by the link below. https://mewe.com/join/wildlandapparatusengineers
Engine Pump Calculator Upgrade
Okay folks, a new Multi Leg or Multi Point pump calculator has been completed. This one will allow for more complex hoselays for each leg that you are designing with positive and negative elevation gains. Check the trial version on the Products page. Hydro
Remember, ALL Fires produce BTU/lb of Fuel.
As folks that know me, I’m always screaming GPM GPM GPM, because if you want a fire to go OUT, you MUST COOL it below the IGNITION Temperature. The only way to do THAT is by matching the GPM to the generated BTU! Before anyone says these types of fires cant be put out, id …
Continue reading Remember, ALL Fires produce BTU/lb of Fuel.
Wildfire Camera’s
Live Camera Feeds of California, Nevada, Oregon, Idaho and Washington states http://www.alertwildfire.org/
Metric Conversions Coming
Well after receiving a fair amount of visits from the Australians, Europeans and Canadians it has prompted me to make this more user friendly to our metric system brothers n sisters in the Fire Service by starting work on a metric based Q-Ref and I think I’ll be adding a metric based Engine Pumping Calculator …
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