I have began a Substack page. FireBridge.Substack.com A few items up there right now, however, if you want to have a platform to comment and ask questions this site is better suited for that and I will be using this over all other media platforms. I have decided to no longer have anything to do …
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Category:Engineers log
The page for Registered member to post their experience, discussions, teachings, learning, etc.
Online Engineer Course Coming!
[Update 1-11-23] I now have the entire engineer course content created and uploaded. I am simply working on the test questions now. This again will be for a basic engineer course and nothing advanced. I will have separate question banks and courses for the Operator, Technician and Master levels later on and this is going …
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World Without Retardant?
Well many of you already know about the Lawsuit FSEEEvsUSFS-2022 filed against the USFS for the dropping of LC95 into drainages, waterways, etc etc and who knows what else, filed by the FSEEE. The article on wildfiretoday.com here: https://wildfiretoday.com/2022/10/12/environmental-group-files-lawsuit-against-us-forest-service-over-use-of-fire-retardant/ And then a follow up article with photo’s and a video here: https://wildfiretoday.com/2022/10/14/photos-of-retardant-dropped-in-sespe-creek-during-howard-fire/ So everyone has their comments …
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Wildland Apparatus Engineers Patches
The Patches for the Base Level of Wildland Apparatus Engineer have been Ordered and now moving into production. The design rendering is shown below. This is the original. Since this time I have hired a Graphic Artist, and a re design was completed. They are shown below the original concept image below: 4 …
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Wildland Apparatus Engineer Patch Artwork
Final Artwork Collage for the Engineer Patches. The background of fire for the collage is NOT part of the patches as with the green background. The only way to obtain any of them is by competent demonstration of mastery of each skillset developed. The idea is to have the bottom (Separate) name tape/ranking, achieved after …
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BlazeTamer and USFS Approved water enhancers
In the tools and links, link, is the approved lists by the USFS for water enhancers and then a link for blazetamer for a water enhancer for use in engines, aircraft etc. Non corrosive and non toxic.
Solar Radiation – InfraRed Radiation
Increases in Fire Activity all over the world has many wondering what in the world is going on. Think in terms of Solar Infrared radiation. There is an experiment you can do yourself to prove to yourself what is going on with the active fires of the world, and how infrared energy effects or can …
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Sun Tzu & Fire
Art of War – Wildland Fire (Pdf copy on bottom of page). Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” is a very fascinating read. I have known folks that have tried reading the book only to come to hate it as they claim it makes zero sense. I suppose, for them, that would be true …
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Retardant Drop Drift
This video was submitted by Rick Gobel (IG firedozer2827) Be aware of your 20ft. or tree top winds. Sometimes the drop doesn’t end up where you planned. Retardant Drift Video.MOV
Squareup Alternative Store Front
An alternative site for purchase of the WAE print media using the square ecommerce platform https://wildland-apparatus-engineer-sp.square.site/
Jim Sage Fire Retardant Drop
This drop, by a VLAT, was not long after my work with a T3 bucket ship. Good placement of the retardant to buy some time to allow the dozer time to get line in ahead of the fire. IMG_1013.mov
2nd FireBridge Session
[UPDATE 2-12-22, A DOZER BTU REMOVAL SPREADSHEET IS AVAILABLE FOR BETA DOWNLOAD ] https://www.wildfireengineer.com/FireBridge/DozerBtu2.zip A second FireBridge zoom session was set for the 27th at 19:15hrs. Discussion to be designed around the topics that Dockery, Gobel and Jersey stated that they’d like to see more discussion on. 4 Part Video links below in …
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