WAE provides initial apparatus training for CVVFD

Had the opportunity to provide some initial hands on training to the CVVFD for their structure engine on March 12th and March 15th: Those involved had no prior knowledge of the structure engine and this was a good opportunity for them to get some initial hands on training for two full days on: Spotting Hydrants …
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Slope Ratio for Wildland Fire Pump & Hydraulic Use

Link to the FireBridge substack article In general, the slope of a hill or incline is often determined to be the ratio between the vertical distance, to that of the horizontal distance. Any number of terms can be used by the individual to reference this but the most commonly used term is Rise over Run. …
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Mark 3 Pump Capacity Cheat Sheet

This document is a companion document to “Understanding the Capacities of the Mark 3 Pump”, this is a 15 page document that will explain in detail all of the factors, with examples, diagrams, pump curves and formulas that will enable and provide you, the pump operator,  with the knowledge to determine the number of pumps, …
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Auxiliary Pump Engine info

This post will be for those that are looking for Parts and Manuals for their respective Pump Motor.  Honda Engines Honda Main Parts lookup page: Honda Parts lookup by SN/Model   Main Horizontal Shaft Engine Page.  Briggs & Stratton, Vanguard Engines etc. Briggs Parts Page:  Main Parts Page showing ALL listings Kubota Engines etc. Kubota …
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